Thursday, May 26, 2011

Take Me or Leave Me

It's time now, to sing out, for the story never ends. Let's celebrate, remember, a year in the life of friends. 

So last night, as predicted, we covered Act 2. Unfortunately, I didn't practice Without You :( because Chris got there late. I did get to sing Goodbye Love though, although it wasn't that great because Chris and Larry didn't know their parts. Let's say Duane was less than happy. We got a nice little speech about stepping up our game and learning our parts... funny, I'm pretty sure we've gotten that speech every night.

You know what was amazing though? Whitney and Charlotte's Take Me or Leave Me. I swear, it was like they'd been singing together all their lives. Charlotte put absolutely every ounce of belting she had into that song... I was sure she was going to just collapse after that. Hell, I felt winded after it! It's going to steal the show, I know it.

Also, we sang the I'll Cover you reprise and I'm one of the soloists that sings "So with a thousand sweet kisses..." while the rest of the ensemble sings "Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes..." behind us. Then once it's all built up to this orgasmic moment and all of us are singing at the top of our lungs and we are singing in these great harmonies and just as we drop off... Hunter comes in. "When your heart has expired..." Now, I know he's trying. He really is. But as it is right now, it's not cutting it. It has improved, and I'm sure once we're all onstage and all that emotion is just swirling around us, it'll be ok. Fingers crossed.

There wasn't much else to report last night other than Duane's frustration which shut us all up. No more talking while other people are singing. Just this odd silence, like children experience when they've just been scolded. Also, I may have to hurt the other Jenny. She's fawning over Duane... who is married... and so clearly wants us all to know how "close" they are. It's very difficult to describe just how irritating she is. Although I did hear him tell her, "You're my Jenny," in a kind of whispered tone yesterday. (Awkward).

No practice tonight- chorus only. And then tomorrow night is principles, which should be interesting. And Spencer and I are going shopping for costumes! They're due on June 6th, which is much closer than expected. So, I gotta get on that.


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